
My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in the fall of 2008. It was caught early. Aggressive bilateral mastectomy was the choice. My concern was the lack of a cohesive focus to find a cure. I wanted a definitive course, I wanted strong leadership, I wanted to know the solution. So, I did what any normally crazy supportive co-survivor would do... enlisted for an ironman. Donation link is

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Now blond with a touch of pink

This is what we call 'all in'. Don't know what the over-under was of seeing this thru, but the hair has been converted to blond and I have also put in a touch of the pink to see how it will come out. I am pleased with the result.

I have secured the paint to cover the balance of the hair. Going to finish the dye-job the night before. Something about driving thru the deep south with pink hair concerns me.

I must say that I am getting excited with this opportunity. Not to concerned about the time, but rather the fun that this should turn out to be. Ran a half-marathon in 2hr3min yesterday and a light bike today, few more mid-level workouts and all should be well.

I will also be tracking my position by GPS and snapping photos (which will be gps-tagged) along the way.

Few weeks to go, more to follow...

Including my rant against a publication that says you are 440% more likely to get er-negative tumors from taking an anti-estrogen (i.e. tamoxifin) medication. But yet the conclusion is to continue to take er-negative meds. Must have been some small percentage to start with, eh. When your conclusion does not change treatment directives, why chose a presentation format (percentage change) to express concern to a community that needs positive reinforcement and are not in the med-field.

"I'm coming up so you better get this party started" - Let's get the party started

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